After a nomadic childhood spent moving all over the world, award-winning British-Canadian shorts director Joseph Carney began as an editor for high profile clients like Netflix and DisneyTV. Joseph’s first two shorts as a writer/director, One of those Good Lives & Metamorphypus, were funded by the Canada Council for the Arts and premiered at the Fantasia Film Festival. One of those Good Lives won the Bronze Award for Best Canadian Short and went on to play across the UK & North America. Joseph's next film, Life's Red Light was also funded by the Canada Council for the Arts and is in post-production. Joseph seeks to make films as entertaining as they are brimming with political & aesthetic meaning.

“My diverse life experiences are the driving spirit behind my independent filmmaking practice. From the moment my father - then nine years old - left his dockside home in working class north England for central Nigeria, my family has never stopped moving. The result of our nomadic existence was a childhood spent observing just how variegated humanity can be: from the paranoia of 9/11 Saudi Arabia, to the strained communion of cultures in Kuala Lumpur, to the gun-addled highways of Texas and the revelry of Canada 150. Above all, I developed a deep love for the sky-wide breadth of humanity and a sharp critical eye for unexamined ideals, principles and privileges. It is this sincere love for the diverse outlooks and opportunities of the wider world - plus the critique of those systems and individuals whose goal it is to narrow our perspectives - that motivates my storytelling in the medium of film.”